Sales Marketing: Effective Examples

Do you want to know good examples of sales marketing? This type of marketing is a fundamental discipline that companies must apply for their growth. The business world is increasingly competitive and is focusing completely on the consumer, so it is essential combine marketing and sales techniques, so that your company can obtain good results in the short, medium and long term.

En GumsUp We are experts in helping companies discover the best strategies to realize their full potential. In this context, we want to explain in detail some sales marketing examples, so you can start implementing them in your sector.

What is sales marketing

In any traditional company, we can find two very different departments: marketing and sales. Both work to achieve the same goal, which is that consumers can have a specific product at home. However, each one uses different tools and strategies.

What we want to propose to you today is an innovative solution, much more effective. ANDSales marketing combines marketing strategies with sales techniques to drive the growth of a business. This is a comprehensive approach which seeks to create a synergy between marketing and sales efforts, with the aim of attracting and retaining customers effectively.

Sales marketing, therefore, includes actions such as:

  • The identification of the target audience
  • The creation of a persuasive message. In this other post we talk to you about the content marketing
  • The generation of leads or clients potential
  • The development of relaciones with the client
  • La optimization of sales processes
  • And the monitoring of performance throughout the customer lifecycle

The client's needs and desires are sought to offer solutions that satisfy them!

8 Sales Marketing Examples

The best way to know if a new concept is good for your company is to look at some sales marketing examples. There are many companies that use this technique to offer your products to customers and increase your income. We present some of them to you.


could be defined as the great e-commerce company Until now. Amazon uses personalized product recommendations, lightning deals, and a fast, streamlined shopping experience to increase customer sales and loyalty.


Coca-Cola uses sales marketing strategies, such as promotions in stores and supermarkets, in addition to the vending machines that you can find everywhere. This increases the visibility of your brand and generates a compulsive purchasing reaction on the part of the consumer.

Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),

Another great example of sales marketing is the Apple brand. Combine the timing of the launch of your new products, with very persuasive marketing campaigns. In this way, you get your customer base to be so loyal that they even queue up to buy your products on the first day of their launch.

sales marketing examples


Another example of sales marketing is McDonald's, the fast food restaurant chain. Employ strategies of cross-selling and upselling on your menus (offers such as go big for 50 cents more!), to make the average value of their customers' drinks increase more and more.


Zappos is an online footwear and clothing store, which achieves the majority of its sales through good customer service that consumers receive and because all shipping and returns are free!


Tesla uses a sales marketing strategy that focuses on launching high-end products, that are available to very few. Customers strive to obtain these products, in order to belong to a community of privileged people who are enthusiastic about these electric cars.


Netflix is ​​one of the examples of sales marketing that is working the most right now. The platform uses sales department algorithms to recommend content to its users, in a personalized way. This ensures that customers continue to subscribe, since there is always content that interests them.


We could say that Nike is everywhere! This sports clothing and footwear company has a strong presence on social networks, advertising, stores small and large stores. The more purchasing options there are, the more customers willing to consume appear!

sales marketing examples

What is the importance of marketing in sales

Maybe you are considering implementing a sales marketing strategy in your company, but you don't know If this investment is going to be profitable or, on the contrary, the numbers are going to stay the same as now. These are some of the reasons why you should start implementing sales marketing in your company, regardless of its size:

  • You will generate more income: Combined marketing and sales strategies will increase your customers' consumption, so your business will also grow.
  • Attract and retain customers: If you want to have a solid and constantly growing client portfolio, it is important that you apply sales marketing strategies. These will attract new customers and foster loyalty from those who already consume your products.
  • Build a strong brand: Sales marketing is essential for the consolidation of a brand, which in turn evolves in the trust and loyalty of its consumers. That's a sales boost for sure!
  • Optimize your resources: All your resources and efforts will be directed toward a strategy that generates a positive return on investment (ROI). You will no longer waste your resources on ineffective approaches.
  • Adapts to your clients: Sales marketing adapts to your customers' specific preferences, so you can offer products and services that truly satisfy them.
  • You will be able to measure performance: Sales marketing strategies include very clear analysis, so you can measure and evaluate the results you are obtaining. This will give you the data you need to adjust and improve your strategy.
  • You will stand out in the market: Companies that invest in their marketing and sales department are the ones that stand out among competitors and position themselves as the best option for customers.
  • You will expand the scope of your sales: Sales marketing will allow you to reach a broader audience, to exponentially increase sales opportunities.

As you see, Sales marketing will play a fundamental role in the success of your company, because the union between these two disciplines is perfect to achieve and exceed your commercial goals. If you are a businessman, you will understand the need to adapt to the constant changes in the market and the way to reach your clients is one of them.

While very specific strategies worked before, Today's audience needs product customization that allows them to buy exactly what they want. Your company must be there to be the first option that your customers see when they search.

However, this is not so easy and your marketing or sales team may be busy with other work. Therefore, since GumsUp we offer you the demo of our free software, so you can see if this is the strategy that your company needs, before investing a single euro.

Enter our website GumsUp for your company to grow, until it becomes one of the examples of successful sales marketing!

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