Content marketing to build loyalty: The key to success in your loyalty strategy

Discover content marketing to build loyalty! How can you reach your customers effectively if today's world is saturated with advertising messages? The most recognized brands discovered that if they offered relevant, valuable and engaging content They could earn the loyalty of their customers. This is content marketing.

This tool not only seeks to sell products or services, but focuses on building lasting relationships with your audience. En GumsUp we are experts in content marketing, so we are going to explain how it can be the key to success in your loyalty strategy.

What is content marketing and why is it essential to retain your customers?

Content marketing is a strategy that focuses on create valuable content to attract, retain and retain to a specific audience. Instead of using direct advertising messages, content marketing seeks to provide useful information that solves consumer problems.

The main reason why this strategy is essential to retain customers is based on the fact that it is capable of build strong relationships. Through quality content, companies can establish an emotional connection with potential customers and build long-term trust.

Benefits of using content marketing in your loyalty strategy

Many benefits when using content marketing to build loyalty, as long as you choose an optimized and appropriate strategy for the type of services or products you offer. These are some of the main benefits of content marketing, which will help you retain your customers:

  • Trust and credibility: By providing valuable and professional content, you demonstrate your experience and knowledge in the field in which you work. This makes customers build trust in your brand, since you are a trusted source of information and resources.
  • Loyalty and retention: Content marketing gives customers reasons to stay engaged with your brand. They will feel the need to stay connected with your company so they don't miss any of the content you offer them.
  • Improve your brand image: Quality content helps improve the perception your customers have of your brand. As long as you are offering good content, they will associate your brand with quality and consider you an industry expert.
  • Participation: An active community is created around your brand through comments, opinions, sharing content on social networks, participating in talks, debates and surveys, etc. Your customers will feel free to participate and their relationship with you will be strengthened.
  • attract new customers: Quality content is often shared and recommended, allowing you to reach new audiences and attract potential customers you may not have been able to reach. The visibility of your brand increases.
  • Difference with the competition: If your brand offers unique content that meets the needs of your customers, you will position yourself as the leader in your industry and differentiate yourself from other similar companies.
Content marketing to build loyalty

Steps to create an effective content marketing strategy to build loyalty

Creating a content marketing strategy does not happen overnight, but rather requires a lot of planning. Here are some key steps to developing a successful strategy:

  1. Define your goals: Establish clear objectives about what you want to achieve with your strategy. Do you want to increase the retention of existing customers? Do you want to attract new customers? Do you want to improve the participation of your audience?
  2. Know your audience: Understand the needs, interests, behaviors and preferences of the audience you are targeting. That will allow you to create relevant content for them.
  3. Create a content plan: Develop a content plan in which you decide the topic and the format with which you are going to speak in each of your publications.
  4. Use various content formats: Vary your content formats to keep your customers engaged.
  5. Create a calendar: Establish a calendar in which you organize and schedule the creation and publication of content.
  6. Distribute the content: Use different promotion channels to ensure that the content reaches your audience. You can use social networks, email, collaborations with influencers, paid advertising, etc.

In this other post we give you the keys so you know how to retain a customer with effective strategies.

Types of content that strengthen your customer loyalty

There are various types of content that can help you strengthen your customer loyalty. It is important that you select the appropriate types of content in your situation and do not try to copy the competition by generating tools that do not interest your customers. We show you some types of content that strengthen loyalty with your customers.

informative articles

Regularly publish articles on the blog of your website to share relevant information about your industry, some useful tips, news from your company, trends, etc. This, in addition to demonstrating your experience and knowledge, will offer customers educational content that helps them with their needs.


The step-by-step guides, tutorials or user manuals of your products or services can be very useful for your customers. This will help them get the most out of each of the items they have purchased and will generate satisfaction and loyalty in them.

Success testimonials

Share success stories It is one of the best content marketing strategies to retain your customers. When your audience reads real cases of people who have enjoyed your services or products, they will see that your brand has had a positive impact on people's lives, which will make them trust you.

Visual content

Audiovisual content, such as images, videos, presentations, infographics, etc. it is very attractive and easy to share. You can use this tool to transmit information visually and quickly, you will increase the interest of your customers to participate!

Interactive content

Interactive content generates engagement with your clients. Your users have fun through the challenges you propose and that makes them feel part of the experience of your brand. You can use tools like quizzes, surveys, games, etc.


Another way to maintain regular communication with your customers is through newsletters or emails custom. In this way, your customers will always be updated about your products, special offers, events or exclusive content.

It is important that you are clear about how often you are going to send the newsletter to users, so that you do not bombard them with information, as this could lead them to cancel their subscription. Discover here more loyalty strategies.

Content marketing to build loyalty

How to measure the success of your content marketing strategy to build loyalty

If you create a good strategy, with very clear objectives, it will be very easy for you to measure the results you have obtained. It is important that you analyze them and work on the weak points, in order to make your company grow. These are some of the methods that will help you measure the success of your strategy of content marketing to build loyalty:

  • measure the increase in followers or subscribers on your social networks.
  • Pay attention to the open rate from emails and clicks on included links.
  • Analyze the permanence time of users on your website.
  • Observe the quantity and quality of comments and questions in blog posts or on social media.
  • Measure the number of times your content is shared in social networks.
  • Track conversions and sales that have their beginning in the content you have shared.
  • Collect opinions and comments from your customers about the content you have provided them, so they know where to go.

Now you know all the benefits you can get with content marketing to build customer loyalty. In GumsUp we want to help you and that is why we have developed a free demo of our software de GumsUp, so you can access this tool freely and start pursuing the success you so long for.

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