7 Types of Business Gamification: How to Boost Participation and Engagement

We discover the different types of business gamification! Companies are looking for innovative ways to motivate their workers and gamification has emerged as a very effective tool to generate enthusiasm and commitment in the work environment. Business gamification is not about turning work into a game, but about use efficient elements and techniques to motivate employees and achieve greater commitment to your brand.

From GumsUp We know that this process can be somewhat difficult, especially if things have always been done in the same way in your company. That is why today we want to introduce you to some of the types of business gamification that work best, so that choose the one that best suits your needs, can you come with us?

Business Gamification: An Innovative Strategy to Motivate Employees

La business gamification is an innovative strategy that seeks motivate and engage employees using elements and principles of the games. When you apply strategies, dynamics, ways of doing things, and playful elements, you are able to transform routine tasks into more engaging and fun experiences, achieving a high motivation rate in the office.

The main objective of gamification is to activate the commitment of the employees in an innate way, getting them to participate actively and get motivated with the objectives and goals of the company. It is about creating a stimulating work environment, where workers give the best of themselves and exceed their own expectations, without the need for anyone to force them. In this other post we discover you what is gamification for.

If we talk about results we can see, through companies that have already tried this strategy, that it is a Very effective method to increase employee engagement, improve your process, encourage collaboration and strengthen the sense of belonging and commitment to the company.

If you offer a more attractive work experience, you will be able to increase satisfaction and well-being of your workers, which in turn positively impacts the results and the overall success of the brand.

7 types of business gamification

The 7 types of business gamification have been created to adapt to different areas of a company. It is important that each department choose the tools that best suit their workers and the goals they want to achieve. We are going to give you some strategies so that you can boost commitment and success in your company.

Process Gamification: Optimizing Efficiency and Performance

Process gamification consists of using game elements to improve the efficiency and performance of certain business processes. Challenges and levels of reward systems can be established to motivate employees so that they give their best to achieve higher levels of business efficiency in their tasks and responsibilities.

For example: You can create a reward system for employees to meet the deadlines of their projects.

Training and Training Gamification: Fun and Effective Learning

Gamification in training consists of offering your workers a interactive and fun kind of learning so that they are able to consolidate knowledge. Gamification is used in the field of training to make the learning process more effective.

If you incorporate game elements, employees can be actively involved in their training process and acquire new skills easily. Some useful tools can be:

  • team missions
  • Personal achievements
  • group competitions
  • Among other…

Sales Gamification: Motivating and Rewarding Sellers

We continue with the gamification of sales in a company. In the commercial area of ​​a company, gamification can be used to Motivate and reward workers who make a sale. This will motivate employees who have achieved good results this month and those who have not achieved them, to see that it is possible to meet the objectives.

They can be used strategies like the ones we present below:

  • Create best seller of the month boards
  • Organize friendly competitions
  • Offer incentives for sellers
  • Reward the best workers in a tangible way
  • Among other…

Customer Service Gamification: Improving the Customer Experience

Gamification is not only useful for the workers of a company, but it can also transcend and impact customers Of the same. Gamification can be applied to customer service with the aim of improving their experience and ensuring their loyalty and commitment to our company.

You can use the following tools to strengthen the relationship of your customers with your brand:

  • Loyalty Rewards
  • Immediate feedback about achievements
  • Challenges and competitions
  • Among other…

Collaborative Gamification: Fostering Teamwork

This is one of the types of business gamification you are looking for encourage collaboration and teamwork within an organization. You can set group goals, collaborative challenges, and offer shared rewards to encourage cooperation among employees. This will create a collaborative and productive environment.

Productivity Gamification: Stimulating Efficiency and Goal Achievement

Gamification can also be used to boost employee productivity and make them come out of a stagnation, to get new records. If you define clear objectives, you monitor the evolution of your workers and offer rewards when goals are achieved, employees will be much more motivated. This will lead them to meet deadlines, be more efficient, fight to reach goals, etc.

Social Gamification: Creating a Participatory Business Culture

Finally, we want to talk about social gamification, a game-based approach that seeks to promote a business culture in which all members actively participate. You can use digital platforms and tools to create interactive activities, challenges, and competitions that encourage collaboration among your employees.

Your workers will strive to communicate with each other and exchange their ideas to reach a common goal. Your sense of community and belonging to the company will naturally be strengthened.

Implementing Business Gamification: Boost the Commitment and Success of your Company

After knowing all the types of business gamification that exist, it is time to put them into practice and for this you must follow the following guidelines and tips that we present to you:

  • Define well the objectives what you want to achieve
  • It includes the preferences, interests and motivations of your employees.
  • Create a attractive reward system that motivates employees to participate and make an effort.
  • Choose one gamification platform or software specifically designed for this purpose.
  • Encourages friendly competitiveness among your employees
  • Be sure to offer feedback Constant recognition and recognition of employees for their achievements and efforts.
  • Evaluate whether the established objectives are being met and make adjustments in your strategy as needed.

En GumsUp we believe that gamification is becoming a effective tool for all companies. This strategy helps to wake up those companies that are stagnant and allows to improve the results of the companies that already work well.

If you are interested in implement any of the types of business gamification that we have presented to you in your workplace, do not hesitate to take a look at our free demo software GumsUp, where you will find the most effective path to success.

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