Telecommuting. How beneficial is it?

Two years have passed since the start of the pandemic, and as we well know, the confinement we are experiencing forced companies to have their workers work remotely.

The process was not easy, many companies and people had to adapt to a new way of working that, surely, they would never have imagined. But not everything is bad, since most companies and organizations knew how to adapt perfectly, coming out stronger and considering new long-term work models.

Benefits of telecommuting

Next, we are going to see what benefits teleworking offers both for the employee and for the company:

  • You reduce expenses. By working from home you do not have to travel, so you stop paying for gasoline, parking, transport vouchers, etc.
  • You save time. Your working day starts at the same time as always, but you should not leave home an hour earlier to get to the offices. In addition, as we have mentioned in the previous point, apart from freeing yourself from daily stress, this saving of time allows you to dedicate more hours to personal and family life, which is summed up in a greater quality of life.
  • Greater autonomy and flexibility. One of the biggest benefits of working from home is that you can organize your time however you want. Normally companies require you to meet certain hours, or carry out X projects, so how you organize is up to you.
  • Increased motivation and productivity. The convenience of working from home, where you can organize your time and your chores without causing any problems, makes and motivation and employee commitment increases, thanks to the flexibility that these working conditions provide.
  • Access to different professionals. Thanks to remote work, companies and organizations have the option of choosing different types of professionals who are not in their geographical environment. They have a greater scope to recruit future talent.
  • Greater integration. Teleworking, apart from all the benefits that we have mentioned before, offers a very important opportunity to a group of people. We are talking about the integration of people with disabilities who, in a company where remote work does not exist, have greater difficulty going to the offices where the work is carried out.

Disadvantages of telecommuting

As with all work models, there are also certain drawbacks to telecommuting, since not everyone is prepared to carry out their work remotely.

The main drawbacks are:

-Not knowing how to organize

-You disassociate yourself from the company, feeling somewhat apart.

-It makes teamwork difficult.

- The work environment disappears.

-It costs you more to disconnect.

-The possibility of learning decreases.

Many people have a great facility to organize themselves, to know when to disconnect, etc., but there are many others who take longer to be able to work effectively from home.

Three different working modalities.


Remote work or telecommuting, in order for it to work and be effective for both the employee and the company, certain guidelines must be followed, otherwise it could not become a viable work model.

Before we talked about the benefits of working from home, but there are also disadvantages that, if the guidelines agreed between the employee and the company are not followed, could appear, such as:

– Difficulty organizing work.

– Disassociation by the worker towards the company.

– Difficulty working in a team.

Many companies have joined or are joining to implement this methodology for the good benefits it brings, as long as the nature of the position allows it.


The face-to-face model has some advantages that other models do not have, such as teamwork, for example. No matter how digitized the online meetings are, the brainstorming Face to face, the relationship between colleagues, the feeling of a team, etc., are benefits that remote work does not bring you.

But, as a result of the pandemic and consequently the confinement we are experiencing, a company with only a face-to-face work model is no longer so attractive. The lack of conciliation is lost, the employees are less motivated and so on.

It could be said that a company, having the opportunity to offer its employees remote work, is only 100% face-to-face, is linking its image to traditional methodologies.


El hybrid model It is one of the work models that is being carried out the most today, since it combines the advantages of teleworking and the benefits of face-to-face work.

you win flexibility, and the reconciliation of employees is improved. This increases their motivation, in addition to obtaining the benefits of the face-to-face mode, such as interaction with colleagues. In addition, several studies indicate that the hybrid model is the model that most attracts and retains talent. As the report says New ways of working. Reflections on the future, from the consulting firm Boston Consulting Group (BCG), around 65% of Spanish companies are working to achieve a hybrid model.

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