Millennials in the company. How to motivate them?

By millennials we understand people born between the early 80s and mid-90s, who have grown up marked by the use of the internet and new media. Today, this generation is an important workforce in almost all sectors, and it could be said that they are a type of committed worker, collaborator and faithful defender of the challenges in the company.

Unlike their predecessor generation, millennials are known for being people who are easily distracted, impatient, but as we have mentioned before, they work very well in teams. Their priorities are different from generation X, therefore, you must take into account their concerns, concerns, and help them reach their greatest potential.

The gamification, that if you still do not know what it consists of, we leave you our article on the Gamification And how can it help our company?, It is a very effective tool to motivate millennials at work.

We are going to thoroughly analyze the behavior of millennials and why gamification is so efficient with this generation.

Millennials. Who are they?

As we have mentioned before, we could say that millennials are people born between 1980 and 1995 more or less. Having grown with the internet boom, they meet these characteristics:


Thanks to their capacity for digital technology, they are able to quickly integrate it into their workplace. It is one of the characteristics that most differentiates them from older employees of their company. Their prowess with technology puts them one step ahead.


The millennial generation is used to receiving information from different sources and managing it very efficiently. For this reason, compared to its predecessor generation, its multitasking ability is developed to a higher level.


Millennials live connected to the world and what happens in it. Therefore, they are more open to change, and much more accustomed to cultural diversity. In addition, by having a greater knowledge of English, they have a greater facility for personal and business communication.


As we mentioned before, games are one of the elements that most attracts millennials. They are competitive, nonconformists, and new challenges are what they are most passionate about. For this reason, gamification offers them that motivation they are looking for through challenges and objectives to meet.


Millennials don't look like their parents. They no longer seek a "classic" lifestyle like their predecessors. They go beyond. Priorities change, and what used to be starting a family and owning a home now becomes developing a professional career.

They seek recognition and new challenges, which is why they are more adventurous when looking for new job opportunities, and turning their dreams and ideas into reality. That is why millennials are said to be a fairly entrepreneurial generation.

How to manage the millennial generation at work?

  • Communication. The millennial generation is used to quick answers, and to quickly solve their needs. If they don't know something, they ask, ask for advice or look for ways to solve their doubts. That is why communication is one of the most important links with this generation. Listen to what they want to tell you, their creativity could surprise you.
  • belonging. Sharing company goals and achieving them will make millennials feel like an important part of the team. Their involvement will increase and create a greater sense of belonging to the company. When an employee is motivated and involved in the objectives to be met, the results grow, productivity increases and the relationship between the different ranks in the company will improve, creating a good work environment.
  • Flexibility. Time flexibility is one of the most sought-after requirements among millennials when choosing a job. Being able to combine their personal life with work life is one of the things they value the most. For this reason, telecommuting is usually one of the main characteristics they look for in a job.

How to motivate a millennial?


We already know that millennials are very impatient people, raised in the culture of immediacy. They continually want new experiences, improve their skills and learn. For this reason, it is convenient for team leaders to know how to guide them and focus on new opportunities so that they can develop new skills, and work in constant training, so that they improve every day.


One of his greatest motivations in the workplace is to compete, focus on challenges and achieve them. Millennials are restless, as we have mentioned before, they seek constant challenges by nature, and it is a great motivation for them when the company proposes new projects in which to develop.


The evolution of games, mobile applications, consoles, etc. have made the life of this generation linked to games.

Gamification are game mechanisms and resources used on websites or mobile applications. Its sole purpose is to encourage each employee who uses them, through prizes thanks to a series of objectives that must be met in each game, such as collecting points, level ups, competitions against other users, etc.

It is a great marketing strategy that more and more companies and brands are using as part of the loyalty and motivation towards this generation.

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