The arrival of generation Z to the world of work.

The Millennial generation meant a great change for companies and organizations with their arrival in the world of work. As we comment on our blog Millennials in the company. How to motivate them? , have grown marked by the use of the Internet and new media. Today, this generation is an important workforce in almost all sectors, and it could be said that they are a type of committed worker, collaborator and faithful defender of the challenges in the company.

If millennials brought about the change, heto generation Z He comes to consolidate it with his arrival in the world of work.


After the millennials, generation Z arrives, which takes over but with a sociocultural circumstance completely marked by digitization and the Internet, specifically in devices such as mobile phones.

What years does generation Z comprise?

We understand generation Z to be people born between 1995 and 2010. From then on, they are already considered the Alpha generation, a name obtained from the Greek alphabet since “Z” is the last letter of the Latin alphabet.

Generation Z characteristics

All the characteristics of this generation revolve around the Internet and mobile phones. They are devices to which they live attached, they do not understand a life without them. Almost 98% of people of this generation have a smartphone. For this reason, they fulfill these series of characteristics:

  • Conclusion impatient. They have grown with the speed and immediacy of the Internet, so they do not take the wait well.
  • They are persons self-taught, since they have the ability to access all the information provided by the Internet immediately.
  • They are persons multitasking, capable of performing several tasks at the same time, since they have grown up surrounded by stimuli.
  • They are committed to a better world. It's a much older generation activist who takes care of his values, since they have grown up in a more feminist, egalitarian, empathic and tolerant society.
  • Like their predecessors, they do not like communicate by phone, they prefer to do it in writing or in other ways.

Differences between generation Z and other generations.

You could say that the zillennials are the first generation native digitahe. And it shows in each of the characteristics that comprise them. Although, it must also be said that each person is a world, so the elements and descriptions that we make about this generation are an approximation, since for example, in Spain, there are more than eight million zillennials.

Differences between millennials and generation Z.
  • As we mentioned before, generation Z is more committed to social causes than millennials. They express their ideas through social networks, instead of meeting in groups such as unions or associations.
  • Millennials are seen as more idealistic people. To the more practical zillennials.
  • Generation Z is the first to be fully digital. They access the Internet on a daily basis and are used to using up to 5 devices at the same time. Millennials, on the other hand, use 2.
  • Generation Z is more concerned when it comes to saving money, while millennials are not so concerned when buying and spending.
  • Generation Z consume much more content, and use video games, virtual worlds, and streaming platforms. streaming more than other generations.

How are they at work?

When there is a change of generations, it is always a great challenge, since a world of differences opens up between the way of understanding life and work of people of different ages.

Zillennials in the workplace:
  • They are interested and seek corporative culture of the company is in accordance with its values.
  • They want to be part of companies that are interested in their physical and mental health.
  • They are looking for companies that are committed to digitization and new technologies.
  • It is essential for them that the companies where they work have flexibility and help to reconcile personal life with work.
  • They are entrepreneurs, so they like to show their ideas.
  • They are very versatile as they are digital natives, so they always seek to continue learning and growing.

How to adapt your business for generation Z?


Currently, and more since the Covid-19 pandemic, many companies are committed to allowing flexible hours, so that the worker himself optimizes the time according to his criteria. The confidence that the company shows in its teams considerably increases their motivation, as well as their commitment and responsibility, creating a better work environment.


Where they will feel most comfortable working is in a virtual workspace, since its essential element is digitization. As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, generation Z consumes daily content, they use video games, virtual worlds, and online platforms. streaming more than other generations. Therefore, the Gamification It is a very common element among companies to work with this type of generation. They are game mechanisms and resources used on websites or mobile applications. Its only purpose is encourage to each employee who uses them, through prizes thanks to a series of objectives that they must meet in each game, such as collecting points, leveling up, competitions against other users, etc.
It is a great marketing strategy that more and more companies and brands are using as part of the loyalty and motivation towards this generation.


One of the main abilities of the zillenials is collaboration, and therefore communication. Therefore, one way to adapt your business to this generation would be to have an environment where they can participate, communicate openly, and encourage creativity and teamwork.

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