How to implement gamification in the classroom

Gamification in the classroom can be very beneficial and, therefore, here we give you the keys so that you know how to implement it. And it is that education is a concept that is in constant evolution and a clear example is that the atmosphere in the classrooms today is very different from what was breathed in the 50s. If you have ever wondered which is the best tool to get your students to learn through fun and motivation, you've come to the right place.

From GumsUp, we want to introduce you to gamification, one of the most innovative teaching methodologies that is revolutionizing classrooms around the world. Read on if you are willing to break the conventions in the classroom, to give education a whole new level by implementing gamification in the classroom.

Benefits of gamification in the classroom and in education

Implementing gamification in the classroom has a benefit series that can significantly improve learning processes. These benefits are bidirectional, that is, it will be easier for students to grasp the pedagogical concepts and it will be easier for you to achieve good results in your classes.

We present some of the Main benefits of gamification at school:

  • Most motivated students: Gamification uses the motivating nature of games to keep students excited during learning. Thanks to the possibility of earning points, medals or leveling up, a feeling of effort and reward will be generated that will encourage students to continue giving their all.
  • Active learning: The type of learning that gamification promotes is active, as students must strive to solve problems, make good decisions and apply their knowledge in simulated situations. When learning is practical, it becomes relevant to their everyday lives.
  • Teamwork: Many of the gamification exercises are based on collaborative activities. This will help your students learn to work in a group, communicate effectively and develop social skills that will serve them throughout their lives.
  • Greater knowledge retention: The students will be actively participating in the games, so they will be able to better retain the information they have learned, in order to be able to use it whenever they need it, in any area of ​​their life.
  • Development of necessary skills in the classroom: Through gamification games, you will be able to make your students develop those key skills for a good coexistence and for their integral development, such as problem solving, decision making, creativity, critical thinking, etc.

In this other post we give you the keys so you know how to make a gamification strategy.

gamification in the classroom

Strategies to implement gamification in the classroom

We know that implementing gamification in the classroom can be a challenge for you as a teacher, since it means giving a vote of confidence to a new teaching modality, leaving aside the way it has been done all your life. That's why, we want to help you in the process and we explain some strategies that you should take into account from day one.

  • Set clear goals: Define which are the concepts or skills that you want to reinforce in your students and how they can be related to the curricula that already exist.
  • Create a story: Design a story or theme that is capable of involving students in their learning process. For example, an imaginary world or a mission that you have to solve.
  • Remember the rewards: Rewards will help you recognize small successes in your students. You can use virtual medals, points, levels, etc.
  • encourages creativity: It is important that you incorporate activities that allow students to express their creativity when solving situations. That will give them a sense of autonomy.
  • Work in favor of collaboration: The activities you design should encourage classroom collaboration and teamwork. You can get it through group challenges in which students have to solve some problems together, in order to get the rewards.
  • Adjust the difficulty: Adjust the difficulty of the games to suit the level of skills and knowledge of the students. Keep in mind that the challenges should be difficult enough to interest your students, but not so difficult that they become discouraged.
  • Offer feedback: Students need you to indicate the progress of their learning through constant and constructive feedback.

Tools and resources to implement gamification in the classroom

Fortunately, currently there are many tools and resources that can help you implement gamification in the classroom in a simple and comfortable way for you. You will not have to spend long hours preparing your classes, so that they are interesting, but you can use the professional material that you have at your fingertips.

Gamification platforms

Specific platforms to implement gamification in education, such as GumsUp, they offer you a wide range of functions and possibilitiess, such as creating games, tracking your students' progress, rewards, etc.

Educational games

You can use online educational games or mobile apps, which are designed to teach some specific concepts. These games have been created solely for students to learn in a very natural way, while having fun.


If what you want is to encourage healthy competitiveness in your classes, you can create a leaderboard showing progress and score of each of the students. You can also give them prizes or medals every time they reach a specific goal.

It is important to be careful when implementing this strategy, as some students may feel bad or think they are inferior to the rest of the class.

Role playing games

Role-playing games allow students to deal with real life situations and make decisions, taking into account the knowledge they have acquired about a topic. These simulations are an effective way to apply theoretical concepts in practical contexts.

Gamification with physical elements

In gamification, not everything has to be digital, but you can use physical elements such as puzzles, playing cards, dice, board games adapted etc

Collaboration with other teachers

One of the best ways to achieve success in the classroom is sharing your ideas and resources with other teachers who are interested in gamification. There are online educational communities and social media groups that will help you get inspiration and practical advice.

gamification in the classroom

Success Stories: examples of Gamification in teaching

Gamification is a relatively new concept in the world of education; however, there are already many companies and platforms that have implemented it to achieve their goals. We present you some of the examples more famous:

  • Kahoot!: This is a game-based learning platform that allows teachers to create quizzes and interactive activities. Students must participate by answering the questions in real time, through their smartphones.
  • Duolingo : It is an app to learn languages ​​through interactive games and exercises. Some gamification elements are used, such as unlocking levels, earning rewards, etc. This platform has been applied both in educational environments and in independent language learning.
  • EDU Breakout: It is a platform that offers educational escape games. Students must solve enigmas to escape from the situation in which they find themselves. It has become a good way to put some academic concepts into practice, as well as encourage teamwork.

We hope this article has helped you to know how to implement gamification in the classroom and now you know some of the tools that you have at your disposal. From GumsUp we have developed a free demo of our software, so you can try it without obligation and decide if this is the most appropriate platform to take your students to the next level.

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