Different non-economic work incentives for your company.

" Employee Experience it is the sum of everything an employee experiences throughout his or her relationship with an organization.”

Denise Lee Johnson

Beyond the economic consideration that your employees receive, have you ever considered how else you could incentivize them? Their effort and work can be rewarded in different ways, in this case non-economic, which will help your employee feel most valued and work with a increased motivation.

According to a study carried out jointly by Opener Institute for People and the prestigious Wall Street Journal, happy employees are 36% more motivated and 31% more efficient. "

Normally, these non-economic incentives include needs such as leisure, family reconciliation, training, etc.

Motivation: key element for an employee.

Motivation, as we know it, is defined as the enthusiasm, energy level, commitment, and amount of creativity that an employee brings to the company on a daily basis.

It can be of two types:

  • Intrinsic
  • extrinsic

It is necessary for the company to understand that each employee behaves differently. Therefore, motivating employees in a more affective way requires a better understanding of the different types and forms of motivation.

The motivation intrinsic is characterized by the employee's desire to do his job well, instead, the motivation extrinsic, is caused by external factors that prompt the employee to perform his task.

The economic consideration that an employee receives for his work, salary, is the most common element of extrinsic motivation. Any fair salary is the basis of the work motivation of any employee, and therefore, of his commitment to the company. That is why said salary is the main element that is reviewed when a team's job demotivation invades the company.

It should not be forgotten that the economic incentives obtained for good results are not the same as a salary increase. A priori, this solution can create greater motivation in teams, but it is neither the most effective nor efficient of the different types of work motivation, especially in the long term. Specific economic incentives are not the solution to job demotivation, they only camouflage the consequences.

Examples of different non-economic work incentives.

Today, many companies use to increase and motivation of your team, different types of non-financial incentives. Its sole purpose is to be able to reach its workers in a way other than monetary, to satisfy other types of needs. needs, with actions designed for them.

Here we leave you different non-economic incentives:


An email, a letter, a call, are different ways of publicly recognizing the work done by an employee or a team. The Gamification, as we have discussed in previous articles, is another way of publicly recognizing the effort and work of employees. Thanks to this technique, both the commitment, performance and motivation of employees are highly increased.

En GumsUp, we are specialists in in loyalty platforms and commercial motivation systems. Thanks to strategies such as the Gamification, you will reinforce personal motivation and improve group dynamics.

Our platform enhances positive social interactions among the team, creating systems of recognition and support among employees.


Currently, and more so since the Covid-19 pandemic, numerous companies have opted to allow flexible hours, so that the worker himself optimizes the time according to his criteria. The trust that the company shows in its teams considerably increases their motivation, as well as their commitment and responsibility, creating a better work environment.

The International Institute of Political Sciences of Spain, carried out a study on the companies that are committed to a reconciliation between work and family and its impact on the business world. Said study analyzed the measures carried out by companies in terms of conciliation in a list headed by Repsol, which is committed to flexible hours, teleworking and with assistance benefits; followed by AGBAR and Vodafone, with longer maternity and paternal leave, and Mercadona, with nurseries in the workplace.


There are many companies that help their employees in terms of initial and continuous it means. Courses, masters, private classes, different ways in which employees increase their knowledge, skills and abilities. It is a type of incentive in which apart from the worker, the company also benefits.


Other non-economic incentive Very recurrent to increase motivation are the services that a company provides to its workers. Medical insurance, gym subscriptions, food under a healthy diet, nurseries, free products, etc.

The international corporation dedicated to the manufacture and retail sale of furniture IKEA, has free coffee for its employees, discounts of up to 15% in its restaurants, medical insurance, pension plan, savings plan and internal services, game room and Rest. Another example is that of the German supermarket chain LIDL, which has specific programs on healthy eating, stress management, ergonomics and promotion of physical activity.

“A satisfied employee's sales go up 37%, their productivity improves by up to 31%, and their task accuracy increases by 19%. All this without counting the innumerable positive effects on their health and their quality of life”.

Shawn Achor, “The Happiness Dividend” – Harvard Business Review.

In short, a motivated worker will be able to perform better in his job since he will feel better and perform his tasks more efficiently. Your feeling of belonging to a company or organization will increase, thus reinforcing your predisposition to propose new ideas, benefiting the company's productivity.

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