Different strategies to motivate your sales team.

“Employees who feel that management cares about them as a human being and not just an employee; they are more productive, they feel more satisfied and fuller. Happy employees mean happy customers, which leads to profitability. ”

Anne M Mulcahy, former CEO of Xerox

The performance of the leaders of a sales team is one of the most important elements and one of the most valued by the company's salespeople, since they expect support and a source of motivation from them.

As we discussed in our blog about Why you should encourage and keep your employees motivated, boredom, despondency and bad humor on the part of an employee, is one of the biggest threats to companies. This translates into disinterest, and a great demotivation towards your job. What leads to the employee not offering all his performance.

According to various studies, around 90% of salespeople feel proud of their profession, but 60% feel that their company does not properly appreciate them. You must always make sure that your team is happy and satisfied with their work, not only to improve the performance and profitability of the company, but also so that the employees themselves know that they are doing well, and what and how they could improve.

Strategies to follow to motivate your sales team.


The key to all motivation will always be trust. If your sales team doesn't believe in you enough, they won't know to what extent you're telling them the truth, nor will they feel inspired and motivated to do their job.

For the team to trust its leader, he must be honest with the employees, and have transparent communication with them.

All the information that the leader provides to the company's workers must be clear and concise. This will increase the confidence of the employees, thus knowing the company better and the path to follow to achieve the objectives set.

Enthusiasm contagious. Working surrounded by positive and pleasant people makes the work environment ideal for the team to achieve its goals. The sales leader is responsible for transmitting the security and confidence that employees need to increase their effectiveness and motivation.


In order to motivate your sales team, you need to know what excites them. Understanding what they need and what they want to achieve in their personal and professional life will help you to know more about the personality of each one of the sales team, in addition to knowing what motivates them the most.

When you know their objectives, you can carry out a survey that helps them to reflect on themselves in order to know how they are and how to motivate them to get their best performance. In the survey you can ask questions such as: Do you feel motivated? Are you satisfied with your work? What excites you in the long term? What could you do yourself to have greater motivation? Etc.


Each person that makes up your sales team is different, with different ambitions and motivations; Reach a specific quota, earn more money, generate an impact in the company, participate in a sales contest, get more clients, etc.

A good way to set each type of goal would be:

Daily Goals: They are short-term objectives that will help end the boredom of employees. So the incentive, when dealing with short-term objectives, must be simple and fun.

weekly goal: They are more specific objectives than the previous ones, with a defined purpose. First you must establish a series of metrics to improve. Afterwards, you will be able to work with your sales team applying the necessary skills to achieve the objectives set.

monthly goals: Of all the objectives, the monthly ones are the most important for the company and the ones that have the greatest reward. In these cases, the incentives are usually products that the employee can keep, such as an electronic device.


Within the world of marketing, gamification are game mechanisms and resources used on websites or mobile applications. Its only purpose is encourage

to each employee or client who uses them, through prizes thanks to a series of objectives that must be met in each game, such as collecting points, level ups, competitions against other users, etc.
It is a great marketing strategy that more and more companies and brands are using as part of the loyalty towards their employees and customers.

En GumsUp, we are specialists in in loyalty platforms and commercial motivation systems. Thanks to gamification strategies, you will reinforce personal motivation and improve group dynamics.
By achieving the achievements, the employee will obtain experience points that will allow him to raise his level, obtain new prizes and be recognized by his peers.

These achievements will motivate to your employee with dynamics of gamificationYou can also reward and value other more human aspects apart from sales.

Achievements allow you to reward objectives that are complementary to sales, such as teamwork, collaboration, etc.


There are many companies that help their employees in terms of formation it means. Courses, masters, private classes, different ways in which employees increase their knowledge, skills and capabilities. It is a type of incentive in which part of the worker, thethe company also benefits.

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