Discover the best Inbound Marketing strategies to retain customers.

As the years go by, both advertising and marketing change and evolve. What we call “invasive techniques” are no longer working, since what the client is now looking for is a product or service whose brand provides values ​​and personality.

Consumer preferences and purchasing processes are changing, so marketing strategies too. This is where Inbound Marketing is born.

What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound Marketing or internal marketingare a set of techniques non-intrusive with which we can reach our customers. It is a type of strategy with which we can attract our customers and consumers with relevant and valuable content. So you can find us through different channels such as social networks or blogs.

These characteristics are what differentiate this strategy from traditional advertising, which would be the Outbound Marketing.

Three stages can be differentiated based on the final objective:

  •  The first phase tries to generate the largest traffic possible.
  •   The second attempts to convert visits into prospects.
  •  And finally, in the third phase, loyalty those customers to convert them into buyers.

Five Inbound Marketing techniques to build customer loyalty

We are going to focus on the last phase, and we are going to see five different techniques to retain customers.


As we mentioned in one of our last blog articles, The importance of trust with your client in the digital world, a CRM, Customer Relationship Management ( Customer Relationship Management), is a type of 360o management that includes a set of practices, business strategies and technologies focused on the relationship with the client.

It basically deals with store the information of customers, both current and potential, of their activity with the company, telephone calls and all types of interaction they have had.

We are not referring to a simple list of contacts, it goes further, since it gathers a series of very important data with which the teams in charge of serving the client can be prepared and updated, with personal information, their history and purchase preferences.


Social networks are, today, one of the biggest loudspeakers that a brand can have to express itself. It is essential to have one of the most common social networks that generate the most traffic, such as Instagram or Facebook.

One of the main factors against any social network is communication with customers. The brand receives the opinion of users about products, whether they are complaints, constructive criticism, doubts, etc. It is a very important element, since the brand will be able to know at all times what users think and what they need. That is why the better the customer service, the better the feedback from them.

Serving your audience in an educated and transparent way is essential. Listening to their complaints, solving doubts, helping them in everything they need will make users feel comfortable, and will help in the process of Loyalty.

In addition, social networks are one of the best channels to spread your products or services, and that the public knows them.


Email marketing is another strong point within the Inbound Marketing. It is one of the ways in which you can offer your audience an exclusive deal.

You can send by email, information about the brand, launch of new products, exclusive offers, news, etc., always in a personalized way. This will cause an increase in Trust by customers.

You must make each customer feel unique, such as sending premium offers, invitations to events, congratulations on anniversaries, birthday gifts, discount vouchers, etc.

It is very important, in order not to lose contact with your clients, and to be present in their day-to-day, to carry out a weekly newsletter, on some of the topics that we have mentioned before. Always being clear about the interests of each client and writing the emails in a personalized way.


Una webinar It is a seminar carried out through a website where an expert explains a topic to the users who have signed up. For example, if your brand is cosmetic for a type of aesthetic treatment, an expert would give

a free webinar on beauty treatment techniques from which you sell the products.

Once this type of course is finished, your clients, in addition to learning and delving into a topic of their interest, will have increased their Loyalty to you. Since you as a brand, will have provided added value.

In addition, thanks to webinars, not only will you increase customer loyalty, but it is also a good channel in which to teach and offer your products or services to users who participate in the seminar.


Launching a satisfaction survey is one of the best ways to know how your customers perceive and what they think about your product or service.

This Inbound Marketing technique will allow you to evaluate different indicators that will help you make the changes you see necessary, such as product, customer service, etc.

It is better that the survey is easy to do and short, that they do not have to spend a lot of time filling it out, otherwise the client will get tired and will not finish it.

And don't forget to approach it in a way that you can measure the degree of Loyalty, know what they think about what you sell, and how happy they are with it.

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