Customer Journey of the client. Know what it is?

We could say that the customer journey of a customer is based on the process that any person goes through from the moment they have a need until they obtain a product or service that satisfies it. As its own name indicates, it is the journey that a customer takes until he decides to make the purchase. This trip is of vital importance for companies, which is why it is very important that they know the process and the decisions that are made to make the purchase. It will help businesses get more sales of their products and services.

"The customer journey help companies to put themselves in the shoes of their clients and size the way in which they see their business from their perspective”.

Eric Garcia

What is the Customer Journey?

The customer journey is the sum of the different stages through which a customer passes from when they have a need until they buy the product or service that satisfies it. It could be said that it is a purchasing process, different from what we know as the sales process, where later we will see how both are linked.

This process begins long before the person has decided what they want to buy, where and why. The process flows through the different options that the client has, which will specify how they will solve the need they have.

Phases of a customer's buying cycle


The customer or user perceives a new need. For example: he dropped the laptop he works with and it broke, so he urgently needs a new one. Or you go on vacation to a place with a beach and heat, so you need to buy accessories and clothes according to the time of the place.


This is the phase in which the client investigates different purchase options, compares prices, promotions, added values, etc. This phase can take a long time in the event that it is a more complex or urgent purchase.


The client, after reviewing the different options that he has been considering, chooses a few and makes the final decision.


We tend to think that the process ends at the time of purchase, but it is not. Once the client has chosen our product or service, it is our responsibility to accompany the client during the delivery and the first moments after the purchase in order to ensure that the user meets his expectations.


Loyalty is one of the most important parts. One of the best strategies used by companies is to attract and retain customers to build long-term relationships. And, in this case, customer service and care are paramount. It is our article on Keys to attract and retain customers You can see all the strategies.

“Get your customers very close. So close that you have to tell them what they need before they figure it out for themselves."

Steve Jobs

Differences between Sales Cycle and Customer Journey

The sales cycle consists of the sum of all the actions that a company performs when it comes to attracting customers and closing sales. He customer journey, on the other hand, are all the processes that a customer goes through from the moment they discover a new need until they purchase the product or service that satisfies them.

From the perspective of a company, the sales cycle is the actions that are carried out to convince a person that the product or service we sell is the right one.

Digitization and the internet have made the sales cycle change considerably. Every person with internet access is much more informed about all the products available to them, with different prices with which they can compare, product features, and so on. So the purchase is much faster than a few years ago, and the user is very proactive.

In addition, nowadays many people tend to buy a product or service not only for its features, but for what they feel and what the simple fact of thinking that they have the product transmits to them. It is at this time that companies have to follow a series of strategies to create the greatest number of emotions on the user.

Benefits of knowing the Customer Journey of customers.

  • By understanding the needs of your clients, and what processes they usually follow to satisfy them, you will be able to create marketing campaigns. marketing with which you can anticipate to attract new potential customers. In this way, your customers will be able to find you when they need a product or service that you have.
  • you can offer the best experience to your clients. By knowing what frustrates customers and anticipating their needs, you will become a proactive company.
  • The main element of the company will be the love Lóleo and their needs, and not the products or services.
  • You can assess and take a detailed look at the process customers go through to get the product or service they need.
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