Do you know the Upskilling and Reskilling concepts?

After the coronavirus and the pandemic that we have experienced, companies have had to become fully involved in the digitalization, something that, since then, has not stopped growing.

But, not all companies are being able to keep up with all digital advances, which will lead to a lack of qualified personnel who can perform certain jobs in the future. This leads us directly to the strategies of upskilling reskilling, since they will be fundamental since the formations are one of the most valued by employees of a company.

What are upskilling and reskilling strategies?

El upskilling It is a process in which an attempt is made to reinforce the formation of the skills that a worker has, or that are within their field of knowledge, so that they can perform their work in a better way. In many cases, this is usually an update to the training you already have, so you can get different approaches to continue doing the same job. This strategy helps the employees of a company to advance in the professional field and thus improve their performance in a positive way.

Instead, reskilling consists of the nuevas skills and competencies that an employee of a company acquires to be able to perform a different job within the same company. Training is carried out so that the employee can adapt to a new job. This allows the worker to perform all kinds of jobs in the company, covering the different needs and becoming a versatile employee.

Benefits of Upskilling and Reskilling

These two strategies offer different advantages for both the company and the employees:

Benefits of upskilling and reskilling for the company

Sometimes, it often happens that the training given to employees is seen only as a great expense for the company, but it is an investment that will bring many benefits:

It will reduce costs when hiring staff. Thanks to upskilling and reskilling, the employees that are part of the company will acquire new knowledge and improve the skills they already have, so the company will not need to hire new staff to carry out a specific job.

Employees know the company. The staff that are going to carry out training are already part of the company, so they already know the internal methodology, and they should not carry out any adaptation procedure or go through testing processes, etc. They will be the same employees as always but with new knowledge and skills.

Increases employee commitment to the company. All kinds of training will help your employee feel more valued and work with a greater and motivation. For many people, these actions may become more important than the economic benefits in certain situations. According to a study carried out jointly by Opener Institute for People and the prestigious Wall Street Journal, happy employees are 36% more motivated and 31% more efficient. "

Improves the company image. Being able to offer continuous training to the employees of a company will improve its reputation. It will become a much more attractive company for professionals in this sector, which will lead to a greater talent retention. Thanks to having upskilling and reskilling strategies, the employee will see the company as a place where, in addition to working, they are cared for, thus improving their perception of it, and creating a great business culture.

Benefits of upskilling and reskilling for employees

As for the company, employees obtain a series of benefits by having upskilling and reskilling strategies:

Increased personal satisfaction of the employee. Having the opportunity to be able to train yourself on what interests you and what you work on daily, gives you personal happiness, since you will be able to grow and develop in your professional field. Motivation will increase, so you will be a much more efficient and productive employee.

The working conditions of employees will improve. Thanks to the upskilling and reskilling processes, the employee will be able to train to carry out a new job within the company or carry out the one he did before in a more optimal way, so he will have the possibility of requesting a salary increase, and better working conditions. , since you will be qualified for it.

Improvement of capacities. As we mentioned before, having the opportunity within a company to be able to train in your professional field will provide you with greater knowledge about the work you did, thus increasing your skills and abilities. All types of training will make you a more competitive, motivated person and, as we said before, more efficient and productive.

How to encourage the Upskilling and Reskilling strategies in the workforce

In order to implement both strategies in companies, the following steps must be followed:

  • You must make a Insights to know what the company needs, and thus be able to know the new jobs that must be implemented. In addition to the skills that must be improved to increase the competitiveness of the company.
  • You must perform a type of evaluation to employees to know who can specialize in the work they do and who are qualified to move on to a new job.
  • With these two steps completed, we will go on to design a training plan in which the company's workers will be offered the necessary tools to train. In addition, a schedule should be established, preferably within your working day so that it does not impede family reconciliation and your personal life.
  • Finally, an analysis of the training progress will be carried out to find out the opinions of the employees, and to know how they are improving in their professional field.
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