How to enhance business culture with gamification?

The corporate culture is what defines the behavior and attitudes of a company to achieve its purposes. It serves as a reference for all members of the organization to know how they should make decisions, how they should deal with crisis situations, etc.

It is essential to define the culture of your company or organization to motivate your team, increase their feeling of belonging and maintain a productive and happy work environment.

As the business world evolves, the company culture is changing according to new market demands and new opportunities.


Every business culture is based on three fundamental concepts: mission, vision and values.


It is one of the most important points in strategic planning. Through the mission, the reasons why the company is there are made public, formulating objectives that will be used as a reference for a long period of time.

When we talk about mission we all answer the same question: What do you want to achieve with the company? Apart from monetary profits, the company's mission answers questions such as: Who is it for? Why did it arise? What differentiates you from other companies?


The vision is the path that the company wants to take in the long term. The definition of the same serves as a point of support to align and guide the strategic decisions of the company itself and those of competitiveness.

It answers questions like: Where does the company aspire to be? What should be expected of her? The vision is based on the goals of the company and organization itself, inspiring and motivating without distracting us and without losing sight of the main objectives to be achieved.


The business value of a company answers questions such as: How are we? How do we behave? How do we respond? The corporate values ​​of a company determine the way in which a team of an entire hierarchical pyramid works. Determines the personality of the organization.

Advantages of using gamification to improve company culture.

Next we leave you a series of advantages of how the Gamification can help improve company culture:


There are many companies that help their employees in terms of initial and continuous it means. Courses, masters, private classes, different ways in which employees increase their knowledge, skills and abilities. But, many times it has happened that employees complain that these types of courses tend to be boring. Something that does not happen with gamification, since the formations are much more entertaining:

  • Employees will learn new skills thanks to the goals they have to meet and the rewards they get.
  • You will be able to help your team understand and learn about the new methodologies that they must comply with for a new project.
  • Thanks to the different game dynamics, the employees will have a greater motivation that will make them understand and retain all the information of any training that you want to propose.

In addition, all the commercial teams of the company will be able to put into practice the knowledge they have learned while participating in the games.


The lack of clear objectives, boredom, despondency and moodiness on the part of an employee, are one of the most important causes of demotivation. This translates into a lack of interest, and a great demotivation towards their job. Which leads to the employee not offering all his performance.

Thanks to strategies such as gamification, a company will be able to establish primary and secondary objectives, since it will help in the entire scope of work and its evolution. You will generate loyalty and commitment in the workforce, which will always be beneficial for you as a company.


El feedback It is a very important element within the company, so that it is efficient. It is something that employees value a lot even when it is negative.

The workplace should not be a space where the employee feels that their professional growth is hindered, nor where they do not feel heard or valued. A more fun, employee-focused environment should be created to motivate and increase employee productivity. To achieve this, the Gamification provides a comprehensive solution for all problems within the workplace, no matter how critical or trivial.

Gamification, apart from all the benefits that we have previously mentioned, provides you with real-time data on everything your employees are doing. This will help you know what they think, what they need, what ideas they have, what they stand out for, how they perform, etc. It will favor your work as a leader to be able to manage your team in a healthy work environment.

In addition, you can create different types of games, individual or group, to encourage team bonding and create a good work environment.


The sole purpose of gamification is to encourage each employee or client who uses them, through prizes thanks to a series of objectives that must be met in each game, such as collecting points, level ups, competitions against other users, etc.

The rewards obtained by users thanks to the different games within the gamification strategy, are a great stimulant for all customers and employees who use it. That is why participation by all users grows exponentially.

It is a great marketing strategy that more and more companies and brands are using to maintain high motivation among their employees.

En GumsUp, we are specialists in in loyalty platforms and commercial motivation systems. Thanks to gamification strategies, you will reinforce personal motivation and improve group dynamics.

By achieving the achievements, the employee will obtain experience points that will allow him to raise his level, obtain new prizes and have the recognition of his colleagues.

These achievements will motivate your employee with gamification dynamics, you will also be able to reward and value other more human aspects apart from sales.

Achievements allow you to reward objectives that are complementary to sales, such as teamwork, collaboration, etc.

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