How does work stress affect the company?

Stress in work environments, or work stress, is a type of stress that is generated by work pressure. This entails a physical saturation, but above all a mental one of the employee, which generates consequences for their health and the environment that surrounds them.

This type of stress is usually caused by the pressure that occurs in the employee's work environment. It usually develops when the tasks to be done or obligations are somewhat large for the employee, who is required to constantly exceed his limits.

All these types of situations cause psychological damage to the employee, affecting their work and personal life. They believe that they are not good enough at their job, and that they are not self-sufficient to complete their tasks and obligations. In addition, work stress is also caused by the types of relationships that may exist in the workplace.

What is considered work stress?

There is talk of work stress when it refers, as indicated by MadridHealth, the set of emotional, cognitive, physiological and behavioral reactions of the worker to certain adverse or harmful aspects of the content, environment or organization of work.

It is a type of stress that is totally linked to the mismatch between the needs and skills of the employee who suffers it. In addition to what the work environment can offer and demand.

As we mentioned before, the employee who suffers work stress can have physical, emotional and psychological reactions to situations in which he is demanded and pressured excessively. It arises when the affected person must carry out, for example, tasks beyond their reach or at a specific time under a context of tension.

In addition, there may be situations in which people from their work environment are involved, which do not favor at all, but rather worsen the stressful situations of the employee.

Symptoms and consequences of work stress.

Work stress is one of the most frequently heard health problems in recent years. According to various studies, more than 60% of workers currently suffer, or have suffered some type of work stress.

This causes a decrease in the company's productivity, in addition to deteriorating the status of the employee in the company, such as their motivation and belonging to it.

Some of the most prominent symptoms of this type of stress are:


Wear physical and mental .

Decrease in productivity measures.


Frustration when the employee does not fulfill the tasks or objectives to reach

Discomfort overall with the rest of the classmates.

We want to emphasize that many of the consequences caused by work stress directly harm the health of the one who suffers it. Not all people react in the same way to different situations, which is why attention should be paid whenever a partner begins to feel any of these symptoms, in order to help them and try to reduce their stress level.

Work stress

Causes of work stress.


Being able to work as a team within the company is essential to be able to grow and have a good work environment that helps you motivate yourself and be more productive. If there is no teamwork, it can become frustrating for the employee not being able to count on anyone from their environment.


Not knowing what are the objectives for which certain tasks are being carried out can delay and harm the employee's productivity, since they do not know where they are going. In order to be efficient and meet the goals of the company, there must be clear objectives.


An email, a letter, a call, are different ways of publicly acknowledging the work done by a worker or a team. This will help the employee grow and feel that he belongs to the company and that his effort is valued by it.

La Gamification, as we have discussed in previous articles, is another way of publicly recognizing the effort and work of employees. Thanks to this technique, both the commitment, performance and motivation of employees are highly increased.

En GumsUp, we are specialists in in loyalty platforms and commercial motivation systems. Thanks to strategies such as the Gamification, you will reinforce personal motivation and improve group dynamics.

Our platform enhances positive social interactions among the team, creating systems of recognition and support among employees.


Lack of flexible schedules, which do not help the employee to organize and reconcile his work life with his personal life, creates demotivation and frustration in the employee himself. In addition, in many companies, apart from not having flexible hours, many of their employees work overtime. Which were not in the job description, and that the employee must perform in order to fulfill all his tasks.


It is essential that all employees have a good work environment, where they have within reach all the tools to carry out their tasks and functions. In this way, they will be more relaxed, and they will carry out their work more efficiently.

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