News Gumsup

The place to get up to speed on all things employee wellness:
Social Benefits, Flexible Remuneration, Employee Experience… And much more!



Normally, when managing talent, a company focuses solely on attracting new talent, leaving aside

Endomarketing and Gamification. How they relate?

Endomarketing and Gamification. How they relate?

Have you ever asked your employees if they really believe in what the company sells? Either

Different non-economic work incentives for your company.

Different non-economic work incentives for your company.

“The Employee Experience is the sum of everything an employee experiences throughout their relationship

Gamification: What is it and how can it help my company?

Gamification: What is it and how can it help my company?

As we told you in our last article about why we should encourage and keep our employees motivated, gamification is

Improve and work on soft skills with the gamification of companies.

Improve and work on soft skills with the gamification of companies.

Throughout your career, you have surely come across different types of personalities. Colleagues with more empathy than others,

Why should you incentivize and keep your employees motivated?

Why should you incentivize and keep your employees motivated?

“Employees who feel that management cares about them as a human being and not just an employee;

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